
A groundbreaking study recently confirmed what indigenous people have been saying for decades.

“The restoration of trees remains among the most effective strategies for climate change mitigation.”- Science 2019

Prof. Tom Crowther at the Swiss University ETH Zürich, who led the research stated:

“The most effective projects do restoration at about ¢30 per tree, meaning that restoring a trillion trees would be about $300 billion … by far the cheapest solution that has ever been proposed.”

The plan is simple, plant trees!

But, where do we get the funding? Governments have so far been reluctant to finance this work.

Cryptocurrency: Financing Regeneration

In the last 3 years from August 2016 to August 2019 Bitcoin’s value grew from $9 billion to $195 billion USD.

That’s a growth of $186 billion.

If Bitcoin were designed a bit differently it could have used a portion of this growth to give grants for regenerative projects.

For example:

In an alternative cryptocurrency model, SEEDS, at least 12.5% (and up to 50%) of that $186 billion would have been directed towards grants for regenerative projects.

This means it could have given $23-$93 Billion towards the reforestation and regeneration of our earth.

“This is money we could have directed as humanity to the most regenerative and life affirming projects. We could have used this money to collectively own assets, reclaim the commons, reduce inequality, feed the hungry and create a globally regenerative culture.”

That’s anywhere from 7.75-31% of the required $300 billion to reforest our planet and avoid climate catastrophe.

This is the money that a single alternative currency could have directed towards the regeneration of our planet.

Bitcoin is not the way

Bitcoin’s design doesn’t regenerate our planet, in fact, it does the exact opposite and further fuels our climate crisis.

“The carbon footprint [of Bitcoin] for [a single] transaction is 301.16 Kg of C02” – 05/08/19 Digiconomist

Bitcoin did wondrous things. It proved to humanity that we could create an alternative financial system backed only by trust.

However, it’s not the design that will best serve humanity.

Not all cryptocurrencies are wasteful —

“6,770,506 — the number of U.S. households that could be powered by Bitcoin.”  – 05/08/19 Digiconomist

It’s Bitcoin’s design that makes it so wasteful. For example, EOS (a top 10 cryptocurrency) is 66,454 times more energy efficient than Bitcoin.

The never-before-possible currency

It’s time we created a financial system that:
1. Regenerates our planet;
2. Gives the voice directly to all who use it;
3. Is designed to equitably distribute voice and wealth;
4. Is more stable than national currencies;
5. Rewards people for spending it.
It’s a currency that has never before been possible. The tools that were required for such a design have only recently been built.

It’s a currency that can help heal our planet while our current financial systems fuel the crisis.

“Global subsidies [for fossil fuels] are projected at $5.2 trillion (6.5 percent of GDP) in 2017’ — International Monetary Fund (IMF)

The best time to act was 50 years ago. Then second best time to change is today.

“July [2019] May Have Been the Hottest Month Ever Recorded” –Live Science

We can continue to pressure our current systems to address these crises.
But, in the meantime, we can build our own solutions.

Regeneration rising

We need regeneration happening in every possible way and SEEDS is a financial system designed for that.

SEEDS doesn’t stop at regeneration, it addresses our political, financial and inequality crises all at once. This is what SEEDS is building.

SEEDS isn’t built by a private company. It’s a global, open organisation that anyone can participate in. Join us, and let’s create a regenerative culture together.

A financial system by the people and for our planet.

Let’s do this!

To learn how, and join the conversation visit Joinseeds.com

Rieki Cordon

Decentralizing Abundance! Evangelist & Facilitator @ SEEDS — Word-Smithing a More Beautiful Society!

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