
When you start projects from the heart and gratitude becomes your language, opportunities can evolve an grow like a seed. Organically and beautiful is what Guy have grown, a currency pilot in his village located in Relva Portugal, inspired by Daya another member of the Seeds community. The model has taking a spark in other villages and the curiosity of other members who host farmers markets in the region. He is also concentrating on buying the Treta Pak cartons from the communities participating to plant trees with his SEEEDS light wallet. Circular models that protect villages are incredibly forming and organizing.

DHO Tell

DHO TELL is a living organism serving its evolutionary purpose of Inspire, connect and empower communities and individuals to create vibrant and thriving regenerative content on various media platforms. We aim to spread awareness of SEEDS to external audiences and empower the SEEDS communities with the tools they need to further spread that awareness

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